About Me

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We are an incorporated non-profit group. We encourage and promote storytelling as an integral part of community life. To achieve this we: meet regularly, encourage people to tell and develop their skill as storytellers, provide storytelling sessions in the community. ACT Storytellers Guild Inc. Current Executive: President: Roslyn Hull: jellihull1@bigpond.com Vice President: Mollie Bialkowski: MollieBee@westnet.com.au Secretary: Cherie Burns: actstorytellers@gmail.com Treasurer: Catherine Panich: capan@homemail.com.au

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Room in June 2013

On Saturday 29 June, 2013 the ACT Storytellers Guild held their annual Room in June evening of stories and music at Curtin Uniting Church Hall.
Approximately 50 guests attended, warmed and mellowed by Tom's aromatic mulled wine. At interval guests were treated to a buffet of a wide selection of yummy treats provided by the Guild Committee.  
The program this year included short stories from the Canberra centenary celebration storytelling program held in Commonwealth Park in March this year, giving the audience a glimpse of yesteryear from Canberra's beginnings, through to the recent Canberra fires. Entertaining, moving and informative stories were delivered by Mollie, Elizabeth, Vonny, Cherie, Rose and Mary. 
After supper the audience was entertained by Brian's somewhat disturbing traditional Inuit Story; Cherie's at times unsettling (the vivid description of his bride) English Folk  Tale about the marriage of Sir Gawain; Eric's clever "play" from The Sentimental Bloke; and Ros's account of the challenges of a "wild child" aunt. Ros finished the evening's program with an audience-participation performance about The Raiders humble beginnings to their development into a not-so-humble winning machine.  
A special thank you to The McGurgans, whose music contributed significantly to the night's entertainment and rounded out the evening beautifully. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

An evening of Stories and Music for adults

Stories by tellers of the ACT Storytellers Guild
Included in the program will be short stories from the last 100 years in celebration of Canberra's centenary. Musical interludes will round out the program

Curtin Uniting Church Hall
Gillies St Curtin ACT
Saturday 29 June 2013
7.00 for 7.30-10.00pm

Cost: $12 includes a homemade supper

Bookings not necessary
Enquiries to Vonny 6258 8102

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Storytelling during Canberra's Centenary birthday celebrations

10 tellers told to nearly 500 children and their parents on Monday 11 March in Commonwealth Park. This was a huge day for Canberrans as we celebrated our 100th birthday. Each teller told a short story from a different decade in the last 100 years. Our listeners heard tales about things such as the Yarralumlah brick works, the feeling in Canberra the year the Raiders won the cup, experiences of post WW11 immigrants and about some of our illustrious citizens. Each child had a passport which was stamped as they went from teller to teller. Feedback from several happy parents was that this was the best event of the day. It certainly kept many, many children entertained and was an extremely safisfying experience for the tellers. Thank you to ACT Government for giving us a grant so that we could be part of this special day.