Please contact the storytellers direct for information on availability, programs and conditions.
or phone: 02 6281 5175

Patsy Allan
Storyteller and Rock Rhythm and
Roll facilitator
author of
Mob: 0402 007 423 Phone: 02 6254 1687
Patsy brings a lively touch to her storytelling that is guaranteed to put a
smile on the face of every listener of any age. Her stories are a delightful
blend of interactive folktales, stories from her past and audience
participation. She enthusiastically uses props, puppets and participation to
engage her audiences. Her workshops for all ages are interactive,
lively, fun-filled using props, puppets and participation to make storytelling
come alive. Patsy has been a workshop leader for over twenty-five years and her
experience and ongoing work with children from 0-7 make her workshops
accessible and practical as well as entertaining, fun and educational.
Patsy’s prefers to tell to childcare, preschool, kindergarten, primary and
special needs children, also to mixed family groups. She uses her own picture
books as well as stories, songs and rhymes from many lands.

Trish Barron has been
entertaining preschoolers and primary school children for years with her huge
range of puppets and felt board stories. She takes her stories from many
sources and in the last few years has been telling to adults in concert
settings and in senior citizens homes. Her wonderful memory for stories in
verse astounds all. Trish is passionate about sharing her skills as a
storyteller with anyone who wants to learn. Phone: 02 6292 3303 Email: becort@homemail.com.au
Holly Bidwell uses costumes, puppets, felt
boards and other props to tell her stories and
challenges herself to find or create a draw and tell stories for each of her themes. She has over 35 themes to choose from – everything from fairies and dragons to superheroes, animals and nature. She is available for schools, childcare centres, parties and community events. She particularly loves telling to the under 8s but is available for all ages.
challenges herself to find or create a draw and tell stories for each of her themes. She has over 35 themes to choose from – everything from fairies and dragons to superheroes, animals and nature. She is available for schools, childcare centres, parties and community events. She particularly loves telling to the under 8s but is available for all ages.
0417 960 422 hollybidwell@gmail.com

Elizabeth Burness tells true stories. She is fascinated with unusual aspects of history. Much of her inspiration is drawn from the local region and she supports her tales by dressing in costume or producing historical objects from her remarkable collection. With one popular story she appears as ‘Judy the Great’ (Mrs Julia Webb), a colourful and practical nineteenth-century Canberran. Elizabeth has many stories to tell, ranging from the study of an early assigned convict in West Belconnen, to the local ‘Washpen murder’ of 1876, or the infamous ‘Shark arm murder’ case of 1935. She calls her presentations ‘History with a difference’.
Mary French is a retired teacher-librarian who has told stories to children and adults for many years. The multi-layered content of many stories fascinates Mary and she knows that a story well told can appeal to an audience of any age. Mary tells many genres of story, often illustrated with simple props, and holds adult audiences spellbound by her modern stories with a twist. She is available to give workshops on various aspects of storytelling
Roslyn Hull - Ros writes almost all her own stories and will perform for all ages and interests. A museum educator by day, she designs storytelling programs and other activities for children, school and special interest groups and families visiting the national area of Canberra. Among her friends she counts bunyips, fairies and spies and has been known to talk under wet cement.
Phone 02 6296 6858 Email: jellihull1@bigpond.com
Ed Miller is an experienced speaker, lecturer and former youth leader. Ed’s
speciality is telling folktales and legends, tall tales, unusual tales and
tales of his childhood in Glasgow, Scotland to audiences from Year 3 onwards.
He enjoys talking to audiences of all ages but especially to fellow “oldies”
and small Cub Scouts.
Phone 02 6241 1119 Email:
Phone 02 6239 6510 email: cheriejohn@bigpond.com.