About Me

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We are an incorporated non-profit group. We encourage and promote storytelling as an integral part of community life. To achieve this we: meet regularly, encourage people to tell and develop their skill as storytellers, provide storytelling sessions in the community. ACT Storytellers Guild Inc. Current Executive: President: Roslyn Hull: jellihull1@bigpond.com Vice President: Mollie Bialkowski: MollieBee@westnet.com.au Secretary: Cherie Burns: actstorytellers@gmail.com Treasurer: Catherine Panich: capan@homemail.com.au

Thursday, 4 June 2015

A rare opportunity to enjoy stories 

just for grown ups

Saturday 27 June

Ignore the winter cold and take shelter in the warmth of stories.
Be transported by the storyteller's words and the friendly atmosphere of the room

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Story Circles on both sides of Canberra

All are welcome to come along to one of our small gatherings of storytellers. 
In a warm, friendly atmosphere you can try out and rehearse stories. These circles are also where new members wanting to become accredited storytellers are mentored and challenged to become confident performers.
Please contact the convener if you intend to come along.

Southside Story Circle - 2nd Sunday every month

28 Wheadon Street Monash 
2.00pm to 4.00pm
Contact:        Trish 6292 3303 - Mollie 6285 3956 

Northside Story Circle - 2nd Wednesday every month

11 Millhouse Crescent, Higgins
8.00pm to 10.00pm
Contact         Mary 6254 2349