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We are an incorporated non-profit group. We encourage and promote storytelling as an integral part of community life. To achieve this we: meet regularly, encourage people to tell and develop their skill as storytellers, provide storytelling sessions in the community. ACT Storytellers Guild Inc. Current Executive: President: Roslyn Hull: jellihull1@bigpond.com Vice President: Mollie Bialkowski: MollieBee@westnet.com.au Secretary: Cherie Burns: actstorytellers@gmail.com Treasurer: Catherine Panich: capan@homemail.com.au

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Saturday October 29 2016

Haig Park, Canberra

Our storytellers will be part of a great day out for the whole family!
KIDSCAPE is an exciting free event for KIDS! Full of diverse, fun and creative activities ranging from parkour workshops, a mountain biking skills track, enchanting story-telling, nature play, with mud and sand, sticks and stones, hay bales, shipping ropes, cardboard, urban farming, drawing, writing and much more!
KIDSCAPE is a public event undertaken by The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) as part of the 2016 International Festival of Landscape Architecture. The event has been created in collaboration with the ACT Government, the National Capital Authority and In The City Canberra to encourage kids to speak out about their future city.  
AILA is committed to advocating for the role of children in the design of our cities and KIDSCAPE will provide the kids of Canberra with activities that will inspire, excite, generate imagination and encourage them to ask questions that start conversations focused on urban design, living in an urban environment and how they see the future of their city unfolding.
KIDSCAPE is a free event and accessible to all Canberrans, open from 10:00am - 4:00pm.  Check out WHAT'S ON and make sure you register if you are interested in attending one of the activities!

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Puppets and the Storyteller with Patsy Allan 

 An interactive workshop for early childhood educators, librarians and parents and anyone who would like to use puppets to engage their listeners in stories, rhymes and songs. Patsy uses puppets to enhance the story or song not to perform puppet shows.

Website: www.patsytales.com 

Participants of this workshop can expect to: 

  1.  Be introduced to the possibilities of puppets as a tool to enrich and enliven a story performance 
  2. Observe puppet/teller interaction in the performance of the story
  3. Develop a puppet’s personality and voice that conveys what the teller wants the audience to know about the puppet 
  4. Practice basic hand movements to give lifelike movement to the puppet 
  5. Discuss what stories might have puppet possibilities 
  6. Become aware of online and print resources available on the topic of storytelling with puppets. 
  7. Become aware of difference between ‘Puppetelling' and putting on a puppet show, especially when advertising a story session 
  8.  Be given the opportunity to practice with puppets and take away at least one story or song to use in the following week. 

COST: $20.00 (members of ACT Storytellers Guild)  $30.00 (non-members)

 RSVP as soon as possible to hold your space in this workshop! Places will go quickly! 

Please contact patsyallan@iinet.net.au for more information. 

 WHEN Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 1.00 PM to 4:00 PM 

 WHERE 3 Keene Place, Page 2614 (02 62541687)

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Our annual storytelling concert for adults is the best way to beat the winter blues. Mark your calendar now!

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Canberra & Region Heritage Festival April 2016

Storyteller Cherie Burns will perform as part of the Tell Your Story event at The Woolshed, Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary on Saturday 9 April, from 10am – 12:00pm

Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary is a unique project designed to rehabilitate an important section of endangered Box-Gum Grassy Woodland, of which there is less than 1% remaining in Australia. The project has reintroduced several birds and animals into the woodland including Bettongs and Brown Tree Creepers.
The Conservation Council is recording stories about the history of Mulligans Flat and we would love to hear about your current and past experiences in the woodland and living next to nature. Bring the family and watch their faces light up as they lose themselves in the mesmerizing storytelling and delicious sausages.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Enlighten Festival

Storytellers will be part of the family activities planned at the National Archives of Australia on the weekends 5/6 and 12/13 March. For all details: http://www.naa.gov.au/visit-us/events